2025 Sales Success—How POP7.0™ Can Transform Your Sales Team into High-Performing Champions.

By Chris Tandridge

As 2024 heads towards its final quarter, the new year is just around the corner, bringing with it fresh budgets, evolving markets, and ever-changing customer needs. The stakes are high and the pressure is on to transform your sales team into a high-performing powerhouse. Moreover, a powerhouse that leaves no room for missed targets or inaccurate forecasts. In this competitive environment, you deserve nothing less than a fully functional team of high-performing professionals. But as you evaluate your current team, ask yourself:

Can you rely on every single member to deliver the results you need?

This is a tough question that sales leaders grapple with year after year. Often, arriving at an answer involves a combination of guesswork and hope that each team member will pull through. However, the reality is that statistically, it’s highly improbable for every team member to consistently hit their targets.

Industry and performance studies show that in most sales teams, around 10-20% of members miss their numbers by a significant margin. At the same time, a further 50-70% may just barely scrape by. This scenario is not only challenging for you and your team, but also for your organisation as a whole. It’s not just about hitting sales targets; profit goals are also on the line.

With all these challenges looming, the question arises:

Is there a better way to ensure your team’s success?

The answer is a resounding “yes”.

Some of the world’s most competitive sales teams don’t leave their success to chance. Instead, they leverage the power of science to optimise their performance. They use our POP7.0™ to assess their entire sales team, thereby gaining invaluable insights that drive their strategy and decision-making.

Here’s how POP7.0™ can transform your sales strategy

1. Identifies the Secrets of Top Performers

With POP7.0™, you’ll gain deep insights into what makes your top performers tick. Armed with this data, you can replicate their success across your team by identifying candidates who share similar traits and strengths. This approach ensures you’re building a team of proven winners, not just taking a shot in the dark.

2. Provides Targeted Coaching & Development Suggestions

No more guesswork or delays in figuring out who needs coaching and on what specific areas. POP7.0™ provides precise information on each team member’s strengths and areas for improvement. This means you can deliver targeted coaching and development programs that address the exact needs of your team. All of which leads to quicker improvements and better overall performance.

3. Identifies the Drivers of Underperformers

POP7.0™ doesn’t just highlight the stars; it also identifies those who are unlikely to hit their numbers and could potentially drag down the team’s performance. Armed with this data, you can make informed decisions on whether to replace or retrain these individuals, ensuring that every member of your team contributes positively to your overall goals. Never underestimate their impact on morale.

The POP7.0™ advantage

Sales leaders around the globe are turning to POP7.0™ as their go-to tool for optimising team performance. Integrating scientific data into your decision-making process removes the guesswork from building and managing a high-performing sales team.

Additional benefits of POP7.0™ include:

  • Enhanced Predictive Accuracy: Accurately predict which team members will succeed, and which may struggle, allowing for proactive management and support and get ahead of the curve.
  • Improved Retention Rates: By understanding what drives success in your team, you can foster an environment that supports and retains top talent.
  • Optimised Training Investments: Spend your training budget wisely by focusing on areas and the people that will yield the highest return on investment. Identify those who will take on board new skills and knowledge, rather than just smiling and nodding.

Get Ready for 2025—Start Now

The success of your 2025 sales strategy starts today. Don’t wait until the new year to start making changes. With POP7.0™, you can begin building a stronger, more reliable sales team that’s ready to tackle the challenges of the coming year head-on. Transform your sales team now and ensure they’re ready to deliver by January.

In conclusion

The key to a successful 2025 lies in your ability to proactively transform your sales team. By leveraging the insights and predictive power of POP7.0™, you can build a team of top performers, provide targeted coaching, and make data-driven decisions that ensure consistent success. Don’t leave your sales outcomes to chance—start making strategic changes today to prepare your team for the challenges and opportunities of the new year. The future of your sales strategy depends on taking action now, so embrace the tools that will empower your team to exceed expectations and drive exceptional results.

Contact us today to start a conversation, or cut to the chase and buy a Sales POP7.0™ from our online assessments store.

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