Commercial Trucking/ Transportation Screen™

USD$ 20.37

Developed by members of a National Transportation Association, this screening report provides basic applicant DNA to determine candidate fit.  This report can be used by any industry with a trucking requirement, courier companies, transportation company, long or short haul carriers and/or any organisation with a transportation focus.

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More about this assessment.

Use the Commercial Trucking/ Transportation Screen™ for:

  • Predicting candidate potential in a trucking/ transportation role
  • Screening and ranking candidates for the right fit and ability to perform in a role in the commercial trucking/ transportation industry.
  • One report is used to select suitability for either short haul or long haul roles
  • Can be used for any organisation that has a commercial trucking/ transportation element
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The best of all worlds.

Grounded in Science.

Our assessments offer the accuracy needed for informed decision making.

Normative, not Ipsative

Quick & Easy Process.

Receive your assessment link in an instant. Exceptions apply*.

No hidden surprises!

No Certification Needed.

Anyone can use & apply. Interpretation guides available on request.

High volume, budget driven

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Want to know more before you buy?

You’ll be wondering what happens once you place your order, and rightfully so.

On the Checkout page, you will be prompted to enter relevant details, including the name of the person completing the assessment.

Once you have completed your purchase, you will automatically receive an email containing the link to the assessment.

When the assessment has been completed, we will send you the confidential report and accompanying interpretation guide.

Once you have completed your order, you will receive an email letting you know that we are creating your dedicated site on our assessments platform. We allow 24 hours to do this step.

You will then receive your assessments invitations, which you can forward to the individuals involved at your leisure.

As each assessment is completed, the reports will be automatically delivered directly to you for your use and distribution.