Build Competitive Preference.

By The Complex Sale

Preference is the degree to which an influencer on a buying committee will oppose you or help you win. And in any selling environment, this level of preference can range from negative to trust, the unexpressed feeling of “whatever you’re selling, we’re buying.”

What kind of preference do you have? Ask yourself: “If they had to vote today, would they vote for us?”

Our latest e-Book – Build Competitive Preference – serves as a “how to” guide to help you reach a level of preference with buyers where they are disclosing information about their company and its politics that will help you win.

Download your complimentary copy today and learn how to:

  • Build positive mindshare first with key influencers.
  • Build rapport before the competition arrives.
  • Establish control of an opportunity by establishing the political point of entry.
  • Anticipate a competitor’s strategy and neutralize it before it happens.
  • Identify powerful influencers and win their votes early.

Win the buyer’s heart before the battle starts!

Download eBook: Build Competitive Preference

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